PDI_example_decl_netcdf_C test fails with sequential NetCDF plugin
783/802 Test #783: PDI_example_decl_netcdf_C ................................................................................................................................................................................***Failed 2.84 sec
[09:43:57][Decl'NetCDF] *** info: Plugin loaded successfully
[09:43:57][000002][MPI] *** info: Plugin loaded successfully
[09:43:57][000002][PDI] *** info: Initialization successful
[09:43:57][Decl'NetCDF] *** info: Plugin loaded successfully
[09:43:57][Decl'NetCDF] *** info: Plugin loaded successfully
[09:43:57][000000][MPI] *** info: Plugin loaded successfully
[09:43:57][000001][MPI] *** info: Plugin loaded successfully
[09:43:57][000001][PDI] *** info: Initialization successful
[09:43:57][000000][PDI] *** info: Initialization successful
[09:43:57][000002][PDI] *** error: Error while triggering data share `main_field': Decl_netcdf plugin: MPI communicator defined, but NetCDF is not parallel
[09:43:57][000000][PDI] *** error: Error while triggering data share `main_field': Decl_netcdf plugin: MPI communicator defined, but NetCDF is not parallel
[09:43:57][000001][PDI] *** error: Error while triggering data share `main_field': Decl_netcdf plugin: MPI communicator defined, but NetCDF is not parallel
[09:43:57][000002][PDI] *** info: Finalization
[09:43:57][000001][PDI] *** info: Finalization
[09:43:57][000000][PDI] *** info: Finalization
[09:43:57][000002][MPI] *** info: Closing plugin
[09:43:57][000002][Decl'NetCDF] *** info: Closing plugin
[09:43:57][000000][MPI] *** info: Closing plugin
[09:43:57][000001][MPI] *** info: Closing plugin
[09:43:57][000000][Decl'NetCDF] *** info: Closing plugin
[09:43:57][000001][Decl'NetCDF] *** info: Closing plugin
[09:43:57][000002][PDI] *** warning: Remaining 1 reference(s) to `iter' in PDI after program end
[09:43:57][000000][PDI] *** warning: Remaining 1 reference(s) to `iter' in PDI after program end
[09:43:57][000001][PDI] *** warning: Remaining 1 reference(s) to `iter' in PDI after program end
Primary job terminated normally, but 1 process returned
a non-zero exit code. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.
mpiexec detected that one or more processes exited with non-zero status, thus causing
the job to be terminated. The first process to do so was:
Process name: [[47631,1],0]
Exit code: 6